First and for most importantly, we as christ followers,

Do not believe in “man-attempt-conversion,” because the Holy Bible tell us,“salvation belongs to God”(Psa. 3:8; Rev. 7:10; 19:1).

  • “…Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” (Rev 7:10, ESV)
  • “…Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God.”  (Rev 19:1, ESV)
  • Salvation belongs to the LORD; your blessing be on your people! Selah.” (Psa 3:8, ESV)

Moreover according to the Holy Bible conversion means “changing of one’s heart and mind” not religion, names, customs or cultures.

Hence in this regard, to convert anyone or saving someone is God’s jurisdiction, not the dominion of man. Since the Holy Bible’s message belongs to the people of the world, therefore we as christ followers, being obedient to his commandments, we simply share His living words, and do not use the craftiness of men to change anyone, for Holy Bible says, God’s words itself has power to bring, one from darkness to glorious light through his living word. – Jayasheelan.R

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